Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week Two Reading Reflection- Disrupting Class

3 things that I learned/connected with:

  •  Gardner’s definition of intelligence (three bullets at the bottom of page 25 of the article.

  • The difference in funding between students who have special needs and those who do not

  • The idea that people who are good at certain subjects tend to think similarly and be the ones who teach and make all of the resources, making it difficult for people who think differently.

2 things I disagree with or have questions about:

  • Computer based learning as a solution- sure it can be customized to each student but it takes away all human interaction. Don't kids already spend enough time plugged into electronic devices?

  • The statement that even if a teacher makes a great effort to pay attention to multiple intelligences they will fail because of the way the system is set up.

1 thing I would really like to learn more about:

  •  How to incorporate more different learning styles into my teaching and find resources that focus on the other learning styles.

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