Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week Three Reading Response- School Ethnography

3 things that I learned/connected with are

• Ethnography is guided by a point of view

• Ethnographies portray events from the point of view of members of the group being studied. To do this ethnographers must sometimes suppress their personal beliefs and feelings.

• Studies cannot be done holistically because there is too much information to take in, but at the same time they cannot completely ignore the holistic view.

2 things I disagree with or have questions about are

• The article suggests forming strong relationships with the informants- isn’t it possible that your views and ways of thinking will affect them?

• The article says that “American classrooms are odd not only in terms of what happens there, but in terms of what does not happen.” Our view of what should and should not be in a classroom is based on our viewpoints, is this something that we should include in our study?

1 thing I would really like to learn more about is

• School ethnographies that have been done in the past

1 comment:

  1. Meagan, I wondered the same thing about how connecting with informants can create biases. I suppose that biases will always exist though, so forming connections will undoubtedly skew the enthnographer's perspective, but the informant may also be more willing to divulge information if a relationship is formed. Good questioning! :)
