Thursday, March 11, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

Five expectations for my classroom are:

1. Be prepared- It is important that students learn the value of hard work. They do not always need to get the correct answer, but they need to attempt to do what is expected of them and be able to identify where they get stuck and need help. If students have not attempted what is expected of them they often will not know what they need to for the lesson the next day. Learning to try to do what is expected of them is a beneficial skill that will serve students well when they are in college or have jobs. It will also help them be successful in their other classes. If a student comes to class unprepared they will be required to stay during lunch, tutorial, before or after school to complete work.

2. Be respectful- In order for all students to feel comfortable and learn the most they can they need to feel safe and respected in the classroom. In order for this to happen, all of the students need to be respectful of one another, of me and of themselves. By creating an environment in which the students are respectful of one another I will create an environment in which students learn to listen to one another and become exposed to points of view and opinions other than their own. If a student is disrespectful of another student they will be required to apologize to the student and say something they positive about that student. Depending on what was said additional consequences may occur at the discretion of the teacher.

3. Be on time- Punctuality is an important characteristic inside and outside of the classroom. School policies can mean that tardiness results in a drop/fail from a class and can be a reason for termination of a job. When students arrive late to class they have missed the beginning and either needs a classmate or the teacher to stop and catch them up. This takes away from the instruction time for the whole class. If a student is late they will be required to stay 2 minutes after class for every minute they are late.

4. Do not talk when someone else is speaking- It is rude to talk while someone else is talking. It often means that the student misses what is being said and then expects everyone to stop and repeat what has already been said. Additionally it often gives whoever is speaking (whether it is the teacher or a classmate) the impression that what they have to say is not important. This feeling will prevent the classroom from feeling like a collaborative community which is what we want. If a student talks while someone else is talking they will be required to sit quietly for five minutes and loose credit for whatever they were working on. If they do not sit quietly additional consequences will follow.

5. Do the right thing- By the time students have gotten to high school they should have a highly developed sense of right and wrong. It is important that they understand that this applies in the classroom as well as other places. This rule covers most of the things that we expect of students without having to list them all. If a student does something that is not right, they are most likely aware of it. I will discuss with them what they feel is an appropriate consequence for the unacceptable behavior. Consequences will vary based on what the student has done.


  1. I think these are all great ideas. Doing the right thing can take many forms in high school, so I would make sure that they know explicitly what the 'right thing' is, even if it seems obvious. I love it though, I almost used as one of mine 'Don't be THAT person'. Its basically under the same pretense.

  2. I like these. The "be prepared" one is a good one, I almost used it too. It makes no difference if they come to school if they're not prepared.

  3. These are all good ideas that every teacher should use. I enjoyed that you put be prepared at the top - if students aren't prepared, then they can't learn.
